In many asian cuisines, beans
like black bean, red bean and mung bean are used as ingredient such as filling in asian pastry. Bean paste gives a creamy sweet taste. The
smooth texture in your mouth can make you fly over the moon:)
In my Youtube video I used mung bean. You can also apply this recipe to red bean as well as black bean. Please keep in mind, when you use other than split peeled mung bean, it would take much time and effort to prepare the paste. I will add some tips with ''+++'' sign, how to handle it.
175 gr peeled mung bean
100-120 gr sugar (personal choice)
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp vegetable cooking oil
Pandan leaf (optional)
Cooking method:
1)Clean the bean (rinse the beans with water 2 times)
2)Soak the bean overnight or minimum for 2 hours
3)Boil the mung bean with low heat (simmering)
The amount of water we use, enough to cover all the mung bean (not to much)
Water´s height should ca. 1 cm above the mung bean surface
+++ If you use other than split peeled mung bean +++
You will need more water, the best ratio would be 1 : 3 ( 1 portion of bean : 3
portion of water).
Cook it with medium to high heat. (But not forget to check the water content)
4)Add pandan leaf (this is optional, just for the sake of aroma)
5)Stir and check water content, if the water is already reduced, you
should lower the heat. Take out the pandan leaf.
6)Add sugar, salt and vegetable oil
7)Mash with hand blender (or you can use spoon), if it soaked
overnight, you can skip this process
The paste at this time is thinner, so you can increase the heat, but keep on
8)If the paste is thickened, lower the heat. Keep stirring until you
have the right consistency and then remove it from heat and let it
cool down
9)Transfer it into an airtight container or into a jar and store in
the fridge
This paste will last 5-7 days in the fridge
+++ Of course you can use the paste as filling directly, but if you want a better result (as
filling, the bean paste should be firm enough), here are some tips for you +++
It should be cooled down at room temperature first, then portion the paste on to
desired size, and let it sit in the fridge for 30-60 min before you use it as filling
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