Friday, July 10, 2015

Cat Tongue Biscuit (Langue de Chat or Kue Lidah Kucing)

Looking for something simple yet tasty for Eid al Fitr celebration? Why not making  Cat Tongue biscuit?

Cat tongue biscuits
This French biscuit has a unique name (langue de chat or cat tongue) because of it´s oval shape and size that similar to a cat’s tongue. This classic biscuit is sweet and crispy and can be a great addition to your favorite hot beverages, vanilla ice cream and other dessert like crème brûlée, custards, puddings, etc.

Making chocolate cat tongue biscuits with mold
I got this beautiful langue de chat mold for 15.000 IDR/pcs (ca. 1 Euro) in one of supermarkt in Palembang, Indonesia (my hometown).  If you can´t find this mold, just use any baking tray.  You could get the pretty shape of this cookies, If you were an expert on piping the batter.  Don´t bother about the shape, it is still tasty :)

Cat tongue biscuit shape: without mold (left) and with mold (right)

Let's begin!

Ingredients :
125 g all-purpose flour, sifted
 (* Chocolate version: 110 g flour + 1 tbsp or 5 g Dutch-processed unsweetened cocoa powder)
125 g soft butter
100 g granulated sugar
100 g egg whites (ca. 3 egg whites from medium size eggs)

1 pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract/vanilla essence (optional)

*Garnish (optional):  100 gr medium sweet chocolate
                                1 tbsp butter

  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C and place the oven rack  in the middle of the oven.  Lightly butter the mold or if you use baking tray just use parchment paper to make it simple ;)
  2. Beat butter and sugar until the mixture becomes fluffy and has a pale color.
  3. Add sifted flour then mix well. (*chocolate version: at the same time, add the sifted cocoa powder)
  4. Add white eggs then mix well until the mixture becomes fluffy.
  5. Add salt and vanilla extract (optional) then mix well until combined.
  6. Fill a piping bag fitted with a decorating tip or nozzle (ca.1 cm in diameter).  Or you can also use 1 liter-plastic bag.  After filling it with batter, cut the tip.
  7. Pipe the batter on to the mold or if you use baking tray pipe the batter around 6 - 8 cm-long lines with ca. 3 cm gaps in between.
  8. Bake the cookies in preheated oven for about 10 to 12 minutes or until the edges become golden brown.
  9. Let them cooled completely then store them in an airtight container.

Make sure the biscuits are cooled completely before storing them in a container
  • To melt chocolate and butter, can easily be done by using steamer pan or a folding steamer basket. 
  • Store the left over chocolate dip in freezer.  It can be used as garnish or topping for other cookies.
I love to hear from you guys, where you can find this cat tongue´s mold or how much you paid for it, or just share your experience if you try this recipe :)

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